Genesis Manpower Administrators is a leading manpower and payroll administrator with a proven track record for delivering solutions to human resource needs and requirements.
With several years of experience supplying, managing and overseeing manpower to the local and international markets, Genesis Manpower Administrators established itself as a leader in this field.
The company offers services to the petrochemical, oil, mining, retail, construction, manufacturing, engineering and warehousing industries.
Our Aim
Our aim is to add value to our clients’ business operations by improving productivity and reducing costs while retaining and improving the integrity of their assets. Such is our confidence in our ability to deliver beyond our clients’ expectations, we are willing to negotiate remuneration whereby we are rewarded against guaranteed and measurable service delivery.
Our Focus
Genesis Manpower Administrators focuses on providing the following services:
Temporary and/or Contract Outsourced Staff
Payroll Bureau Services
Our Market
We are currently contracted to and working with various clients in the Construction Industry, specifically relevant to the Refining, Petrochemical, Pulp and Paper, Mining, Sugar, Port and Shutdown Sectors and in addition the Sales, Driver, General Worker, Call Centre & Merchandising sectors of the market. While we have specific experience and expertise in these areas, our alliance with global market leaders makes us equally well equipped to service contracts in most other sectors anywhere in the world.