Company Profile & Structure
Adcock Ingram began as the EJ Adcock Pharmacy in Krugersdorp 120 years ago. Adcock Ingram was listed on the main trading board of the JSE in 1950 before it became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tiger Brands and was subsequently delisted from the JSE in 2000. After the unbundling from Tiger Brands, Adcock Ingram re-listed on the JSE in August 2008 at a share price of R33.50 with approximately 172.6 million ordinary shares in issue.
The Company has a market capitalisation of about R9 billion and occupies a 10% share of the private pharmaceutical industry in South Africa. The unbundling from Tiger Brands and subsequent listing presented Adcock Ingram with opportunities that enabled us to drive our vision of being recognised as a leading, world-class, branded healthcare company. The Company looks forward to pursuing organic growth opportunities and acquisitions in selected markets, developing exportable competencies, and implementing meaningful Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) within the business.
The Company has two businesses; each delivering essential services to a wide customer base:
Pharmaceutical Business
Adcock Ingram provides an extensive range of branded and generic prescription and OTC products in a broad range of therapeutic classes such as: analgesics, allergy, cardiovascular, central nervous system, dermatology, ear/nose/eye preparations, feminine health, gastrointestinal, vitamin, mineral and energy supplements as well as a selective range of personal care products. In generics, the Company markets a broad range of affordable products under the corporate brand. In branded products, the Company markets many well-recognised leading brands such as Adco Dol, Allergex®, Bioplus®, Citro-Soda®, Corenza® C, Myprodol®, Panado®, Syndol, vita-thion® and Unique Formulations, as well as a diverse range of brands on behalf of our international partners.
Hospital Products Business
Adcock Ingram Critical Care is South Africa's largest supplier of hospital and critical-care products, blood systems and accessories as well as products used for renal dialysis and transplant medication. This business unit has a 60 year relationship with US-based Baxter International.